The Blog

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Costume - Male

As there are only two characters within the piece, the costumes wont have to be expansive and I've decided they should conform to certain stereotypes. It is also important to realise that this is a scenario trailer and not a montage of clips, where there are a range of costumes and looks to convey a change over time. This means that there in only one costume required for each character.

In terms of the magician, my research has come up with a common theme throughout everything i've seen.

The above images are all from film set in the early 20th century, but the common theme throughout them all is the smartness and class portrayed by the male leads. All three images show the characters in dark suits as worn by people who at the time would be seen as high class society. Although this is set in a much earlier time than my own trailer, the theme of performers dressing smartly has continued throughout time. This is shown in the stage performances of Derren Brown in his productions such as 'Enigma' and 'Something Wicked This Way Comes'. He often comes out on stage in a suit complete with waistcoat, and has been known to change into a dinner jacket suit for certain sections of his shows as seen below.

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