The Blog

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Image website

The main problem with creating posters and magazine covers will be the quality of the images that are used on them, if they are not good quality, then they wont look as professional as possible. This is where stock image websites are useful, because they allow you to acquire copyright free images for use within your own work. However the images for my work must all relate to each other and contain a common theme, and the images should not be used simply because they are of good quality if they do not apply. The other problem with stock image websites are that you often have to pay for the images. This is where my discovery of comes in handy. It is a stock image website which you can join and use some of the services free of charge as stated on the homepage below.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


I have decided to take on the role of the main protagonist within the teaser trailer myself, meaning that the tricks would not have to be run through with another actor and would not have to rely on someone else for filming. However through a recommendation I've found someone who is extremely good at card tricks, and would look far more professional than myself. These clips i could easily film during school time, and by cutting out most of the body, keeping the same lighting throughout and the costume exactly the same, there should be very little obvious difference.

Below (top) are my hands, used in most of the filming, Below (bottom) are the hands of my tricks double, although the hands don't look too different, there is a size difference, however with the costume being the same, its very difficult to tell them apart.