The Blog

Saturday, 15 January 2011

The Tricks and ease of completion

The tricks that i've come up with for this piece are:
  • Disappearing Coin
  • Card Tricks
  • Disappearing Pen
  • Nail Through the Hand
  • Coin Jumping
Some of these may require some skill to complete, however with the amount of technology available and knowledge of how the tricks work, it is possible to pull them off within the teaser trailer.

Monday, 10 January 2011


One of the tricks I have chosen for the new idea involves shocking the audience, and attempting to get a reaction from them. The trick would involve a sharp object disappearing from underneath the character's hand, as they slam it down into a surface. The shock comes from the fact that the audience expects something to happen, yet the character is unharmed. The idea of someone impaling their own hand is a horrible one, and is not commonly seen on tv, and can be grouped with the very sensitive topic of self harm.

Above is a video of a magician getting the spike trick wrong, and as the audience, it gives you a horrible feeling.